Gilwern Scouts
We have three sections – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, meeting on weekday evenings during term time at Scout Headquarters which is situated on the Playing Fields at Gilwern, behind the Bowling Green.
The Beaver Colony meets on Thursday from 5.15 - 6.30 pm;
The Cub Pack on Thursday from 6.45 – 8.15 pm
The Scout Troop meet on Monday from 7.00 – 9.00 pm.
All members of the Group wear a uniform, and although this differs for each Section, everyone wears the same Group scarf or necker.
Scouting continues to offer a programme for young people over the age of 14, but these sections are not affiliated to a Group. Explorer Scouts (14-18 years) are District led, and Network Scouts (18-25 years) are Area led.
Scouting is a voluntary organisation and the Group subsist on fund raising events and annual subscriptions from members which go towards the general running expenses of the Group, insurance, and annual capitation fee to national Scout Headquarters.
For further information, please contact Christine Hands on 01873 831075.
Gilwern Bowling Club
Started some 21 years ago by a few very committed locals the club, with ladies and men’s sections, enjoyed good local support and with the aid of a sportlot grant raised enough to build a new clubhouse.
Sadly due to a decrease in our membership over the past few years the Gilwern Bowling Club will soon cease to exist unless we can encourage more local people to take an interest, join the club, and take advantage of this excellent facility provided by Llanelly Community Council
Find out more about the Bowling Club
Gilwern U3A